

Koza Otomotiv, according to the business principle that prioritizes the fields of quality, environment, occupational health and safety, to contribute to the protection of the world and the improvement of people's lives and for a sustainable society;

  • To continuously increase the quality of products and services by adopting customer focus as a principle,
  • To achieve goals and objectives by adopting management with objectives,
  • To define, implement, review business processes and to carry out improvement activities,
  • To create and carry out all business processes with a risk-based approach in order to provide safe, fast, solution-oriented, timely and uninterrupted products and services,
  • To comply with the regulations of national and international authorities, standards, contract terms and legal regulations,
  • To determine the quality, environmental, occupational health and safety risks that may arise due to our activities with a proactive approach and to take all necessary precautions, as a result, to eliminate hazards and reduce risks,
  • To prevent injuries and health deterioration,
  • To create an internal environment where employees and employee representatives can participate in all kinds of occupational health and safety studies and productivity-enhancing activities carried out within Koza Otomotiv, consult, propose improvements and request measures to be taken,
  • To use environmentally friendly and sustainable approaches and effective use of natural resources and recyclable products,
  • In line with the principle and objectives of zero waste, to separate wastes at their source, to prevent pollution, to reduce waste, to recycle and to protect the environment,
  • To supply the necessary manpower, equipment, technology, financing and all kinds of resources for the effective operation of the integrated management system,
  • To identify the personal and professional training needs of our employees, to provide trainings that will increase their competencies and competencies, to create a constantly developing and sharing organization and to organize activities to increase employee satisfaction,
  • Continuous improvement of Integrated Management performances and the effectiveness of management systems,

  • accepts and undertakes.

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